Stuck Pixel Vs Dead Pixel: How To Distinguish And Fix Them?

Pixels refer to any tiny dots on a screen or display that join together to provide any output in the form of images. Stuck pixels and dead pixels affect productivity and efficiency as they are visible clearly and oddly.

Most users are unaware of such terms and often use both interchangeably. However, both are distinct and can be corrected using simple techniques. 

In this article, we will learn about the basic factors that distinguish between stuck and dead pixels and ways to fix them to cater to our needs. 

So, without any further ado, let us jump into the article. 

What Is Stuck Pixel And How To Identify It?

Stuck pixels refer to the type of pixels on the screen which becomes unresponsive to the changing outputs displayed on the screen.

Such forms of pixels are “stuck” with any particular color such as red, blue, green, or any other irrespective of the result to be displayed. 

Users can notice such pixels through manual analysis of the display and looking for pixels that stand out from others forming the resulting output. 

What Is Dead Pixel And How To Identify It?

Contrary to the stuck pixels, such types of pixels are unresponsive to any form of colors and form white patches on the display if gathered together, which can be annoying for most users. The pixel appears as a black dot on the display. 

Users can identify dead pixels on a screen by using a white background on the display and spotting out black dots on the screen. You can also use head to online tools such as the Dead Pixel test to check for any issues with the display colors. 

Difference Between Stuck Pixel And Dead Pixel

Below we have discussed some crucial factors that help to distinguish between stuck and dead pixels. 

1. Appearance

The stuck pixels contain any particular color such as black, white, green, red, or such. On the contrary, dead pixels only contain black color under the formation of any resulting output. 

As the stuck pixels can contain different colors, they are more difficult to spot compared to dead pixels. 

2. Power

Dead pixels do not carry any power with them and thus appear black or turned off on the display.

On the other hand, stuck pixels receive power similar to other normal pixels due to which they appear full of any particular color. 

3. Flexibility

Stuck pixels can be fixed through the use of techniques discussed later in the article.

However, it is difficult to adjust to the dead pixels as they cannot be repaired under any scenario. You will have to switch the entire display panel to treat the black dots on the display. 

4. Impact On Display

Stuck pixels do not affect the display as severely as dead pixels. The accumulation of dead pixels together forms white patches on the screen and thus becomes more visible, particularly with solid backgrounds. 

Reasons Behind Dead Pixel And Stuck Pixel

Several reasons can lead to both dead and stuck pixels. Some of the most popular ones are discussed as follows. 

1. Manufacturing Defects

One of the most common issues for faulty pixels can be connected to manufacturing defects. Any fault in the production of the display can cause pixels to malfunction.

However, if the issue lies with a fault in production, you can claim a warranty and get it replaced. 

Such defects are more related to dead pixels than stuck pixels under such a scenario.

2. Physical Damage

If your monitor or other display has suffered from signs of physical damage such as the use of excessive force on the display or putting heavy objects directly on the screen can harm the display and cause dead or stuck pixels. 

3. Electrical Or Signal Issues

The failure to deliver power to each pixel can also lead to such a problem. The problem may lie with the use of faulty cables that limit the power supplying ability to the display affecting your experience. 

4. Pressure Or Temperature Changes

Monitor displays or screens are sensitive. Thus, a sudden change in pressure or temperature can damage the pixels and cause them to become unresponsive or get stuck with a particular color which can be troublesome. 

5. Overclocking

Running a display at higher frame rates using the overclocking feature can cause the pixels to malfunction.

It is crucial to state that overclocking causes a lot of strain on the hardware responsible for output. It can trigger the pixels to get stuck or blackout. 

6. Humidity

The presence or exposure to moisture or humidity can cause the display pixels to become dead or stuck at specific colors. It is essential to keep the hardware dry to avoid any issues in the long run. 

Ways To Fix Dead Pixel And Stuck Pixel On The Screen

Check your screen for dead pixels with the help of a Dead Pixel Tester website. This online tool can quickly identify any defective pixels on your display, ensuring a smooth and flawless viewing experience.

1. Fix The Problem Manually

Follow the given steps to fix the issue manually by following the given instructions. 

Using Lint-free Cloth

  • Locate the area full of dead or stuck pixels. 
  • Gently wipe the area filled with faulty pixels to restore them by applying light pressure using a cloth. 

Warm Damp Cloth

  • Wrap a warm damp cloth around the affected area and hold it for around 30 seconds.
  • Apply slight pressure during the process and check if the issue has been resolved. 

Slight Pressure Method

  • Applying pressure to the faulty pixel area on a regular interval can force the pixels to regain their power back and become responsive again. 
  • Users can try using a pen to push and apply slight pressure. Furthermore, you can also rely on any other soft-pointed tool to apply pressure and fix the problem. 

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Cleaner

  • LCD Cleaner solutions are available in the market containing bleach or ammonia that can help cure the pixels back to their original state. 
  • Take a small portion of the cleaning solution and rub it using a dry cloth gently to fix the issue. 

Hair Dryer

  • Use a hair dryer to soak up all the moisture or humidity from the areas of the display to allow the pixels to work efficiently. 
  • However, it is crucial to state that you should avoid putting excessive heat near the screen area as it can cause further damage. 

2. Using Online Tools

Dead Pixel Fixer

A dead pixel fixer is a helpful utility tool that allows you to switch between different color patterns such as red, blue, green, or others quickly at higher FPS to restore any unresponsive pixel during the process.

The tool is available for free on the internet and can fix stuck pixels to improve your productivity. 


PixelHealer fixes the dead pixels on the display by arranging the faulty pixels and placing a small window over the pixels to cover out the black spot. 

Users can choose from any color combination for their windows and can also specify the time interval for the window to cater to their needs. The tool is free and can be used without any downloads.


As the name suggests, this online tool helps to detect dead pixels and generate blinking dots to cover up the spots.

You need to drag the blinking dots over the dead pixels and wait for a while to fix the issue. The tool can be accessed using any browser without any charges. 

What To Do If The Defective Pixels Are Not Fixed?

If the defective pixels are not fixed even after trying the above-stated methods, it is ideal to switch to a different monitor or display.

Furthermore, if your hardware has been covered under warranty, you can get it repaired or replaced without extra cost. 


Is 1 Dead Pixel Acceptable?

Yes, having a single dead pixel on the screen is acceptable, as it would be barely noticeable. 

How Many Dead Pixels Is Normal?

Normally the lesser the number of dead pixels, the better it is. On average 1 to 5 dead pixels are normal for any screen due to wear and tear of the display. 

What Is A Hot Pixel?

A hot pixel is a highlighted pixel that stands out under low brightness conditions. They occur due to the responsiveness to the light and are more common in camera devices.

Are Dead Pixels A Common Occurrence In Modern Displays?

Even after the launch of premium high-quality displays, having dead pixels on the screen is normal and cannot be avoided mostly.

However, by following the ideal techniques, users can minimize the damage and boost their productivity.

Can Stuck Or Dead Pixels Spread Over Time?

No, stuck or dead pixels do not spread over time. They merely become unresponsive to output colors or image formations. 


It was everything you need to know about dead and stuck pixels. It is crucial to state that stuck pixels are easier to repair compared to dead pixels. Dead pixels cannot be repaired under any situation.

Thus, if you have a large area of display under dead pixels, it would be better to switch to a new screen for better results. 

It is also vital to state that if your product has been covered under warranty, you can have the hardware replaced without any premium.

We hope you liked the article! 

Keep Clashing!! 

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