How To Fix High Ping In Valorant? (Complete Guide)

Valorant is one of the prominent FPS shooting titles developed by Riot Games. The title took the gaming world by storm in 2020 and gained new users.

However, despite being a popular title, many players face issues related to high ping in Valorant. 

Many players face high ping issues in Valorant, which hinders their gaming experience.

High ping in Valorant contributes to errors and bugs and hinders the gameplay. Furthermore, it causes lag which is detrimental to performance, particularly in FPS games.  

Ping Test websites are used to measure the latency or delay between a user’s computer and a remote server.

By analyzing the time it takes for data packets to travel between the two points, users can identify and fix high-ping issues that affect online gaming, video streaming, and other internet-based activities.

An ideal ping in Valorant ranges from 5ms to 70ms. If you wish to fix the high ping issue in Valorant, you have arrived at the right destination. 

What Exactly Are “Low Ping” And “High Ping”?

Low ping implies the inability of your system to transmit a signal across the network to the server. Any ping ranging beyond 50ms and under 100ms falls under low ping. 

On the contrary, high ping implies a delay in movements or gameplay instructions, which hinders your gaming experience.

Ping crossing the 150ms mark is termed high ping, which is not ideal for fast-paced gaming titles. 

The lower the ping in the game, the better the gameplay experience. As ping relies on internet speed, we recommend using a fast internet connection for a stable and lag-free experience. 

Reasons That Your Ping Is So High

Ping issues related to any gaming title can arise due to several reasons. Some of the prominent reasons are listed as follows. 

ISP Quality

ISP or Internet service provider quality plays a vital role in determining the internet speed, linked to the ping issue in Valorant.

Therefore, if your region offers more than one ISP provider, go with the one offering more speed and latency. 

Wired Connection Over Wireless Lags

It is always ideal to prefer a wired connection for better internet speeds compared to a wireless medium.

Furthermore, the router or the modem used determines the speed. To counter the ping issue, it is advisable to go with a wired connection for better results. 

Firewall Settings

The firewall is responsible for accepting the data stored in packets that are received and sent from the system.

However, the process can cause delays which might hinder your gameplay. Therefore, disable the firewall or antivirus software to transmit information quickly for low ping in Valorant.  

Bandwidth Issues

One of the most common reasons for ping issues in Valorant is the bandwidth problem.

Make sure that there is enough bandwidth to cater to your gaming needs. It is helpful when you are streaming titles that consume more internet and can cause higher latency and ping. 

Fix Your Valorant High Ping

1. Optimize Your Router Settings

Optimizing your router settings can help the players to fix the high ping issue in Valorant. We recommend a router compatible and supports WiFi 6 connection for faster speeds.

Furthermore, users can also rearrange their router positioning and place it closer to the connected system. 

2. Reboot Your Network

If you constantly face ping issues in Valorant, one of the simplest ways to fix the issue is by rebooting the network.

Rebooting the network used by the system helps to replenish the IP address and solve the ping crisis for Valorant. 

Players only need to unplug the router and modem connected to the system and plug them back in after one minute to restore their functioning. Once the network is rebooted, start the game to see if the issue has been resolved. 

3. Activate Network Buffering

Network Buffering is an exclusive and distinct feature available in Valorant that helps to fix the high-ping issues in the game.

Users can enable network buffering to rectify the unstable connection to improve the gameplay experience. 

Network buffering offers three modes Minimum Moderate, and Maximum, which can be selected by the user based on the connection.

Maximum settings will help fix the ping issue by predicting the movement of the players for lag-free input. 

4. Close All Other Apps

Closing all other apps running in the system background helps free up more resources for Valorant, which can contribute to fixing the ping issue in the game. 

Users must only keep the apps belonging to the game running while engaging in the gameplay.

Furthermore, ensure that no update application is running in the background consuming the speed crucial for low pings in Valorant. 

5. Get A Better Internet Plan

One of the simple solutions to fix the ping issue in Valorant is to switch to a faster internet plan.

It might be possible that the latency and ping issues in the game are due to the slow internet speed. 

A 50 Mbps plan with a high-speed connection would be enough to provide a seamless and lag-free Valorant experience.

Furthermore, it is recommended to avoid connecting other devices to the connection for better speeds. 

6. Change Your DNS Settings

Domain Name System or DNS is a utility tool that converts the domain address into an IP address.

Changing the DNS settings to improve the resolving time can help you fix the ping issues in Valorant. Follow the given steps to tweak your DNS settings for a better experience. 

  • Navigate to the run dialog box using the shortcut key Win+R
  • Type the control panel and select the category Network and Internet.
  • Under the heading, choose to view network status and tasks, followed by adapter settings
  • Navigate to TCP/IPv4 heading under the properties tab and enter for preferred DNS followed by for Alternate sever. 
  • Save and apply the changes to resolve the ping issue. 

Users also need to delete or reset the acquired IP cache. To do this, navigate to the command prompt window, type ipconfig/flushdns, and press enter to delete the cache files. 

7. Install All Windows Updates

It is advisable to keep Windows updated to enjoy a slight performance boost for specific applications.

The performance boost can help you fix the high ping issue in Valorant. Follow the given steps to update Windows for better performance. 

  • Navigate to the system settings, followed by Update and Security
  • Select the option to check for updates. The system will download the latest updates, which will take some time, depending on your internet connection. 
  • Once completed, restart your computer and start Valorant to see if the high ping issue has been fixed. 

8. Use A LAN Cable

Adapting LAN cables for an online gaming experience can help you reduce your ping and provide a seamless experience. Wireless internet connections may cause high ping issues on the delay.

Therefore, by opting for a LAN cable, you will be able to seep more speeds for the title resulting in better results. 

9. Open Firewall Ports

Follow the below-stated steps to open firewall ports to fix the high ping issue in Valorant. 

  • Navigate to the search bar and open the Control panel, followed by System and Security. 
  • Under System and Security, choose Windows Firewall, followed by advanced settings
  • Select the Inbound Rules option and add the firewall port using the New Rule option. 
  • You also need to add the protocol and the port number. Once done, click on Next and allow the connection and save the ports stated below. 
  1. 7000-7500 UDP protocol for Valorant Game Client.
  2. 2099 TCP (PVP.Net)
  3. 80 TCP (HTTP)
  4. 8393-8400 TCP (Patcher)

10. Set Valorant To High Priority

Prioritizing the Valorant application allows the system to direct more resources to boost the performance related to the game.

Navigate to the task manager using Ctrl+Alt+Del and locate the application you wish to prioritize.

Right Click on the application, and under the tab to set priority, set Valorant priority to High. It is helpful when you have a stable internet connection and are still facing high ping issues while playing the game. 


Why Is My Ping So High But My Internet Is Good?

This issue can arise due to several reasons. One of the notable reasons for the high ping issue in the presence of a high-speed internet connection can occur if multiple devices are connected on the same connection.

It slows down the speed of your connection and causes high ping issues in gaming. 

Does VPN Lower Ping?

VPN focuses to transmit data using quick routes to provide faster speeds resulting in lower ping. Therefore, users can prefer using VPN for boosting the internet speed for low pings in Valorant. 


These were all the prominent methods you can try to resolve the high ping issue in Valorant.

Most ping issues in the game arise due to slow internet speeds which can be met by upgrading the internet plan or optimizing the system settings for improved results. 

Furthermore, enabling the network buffering feature available exclusively for Valorant can also help fix the high ping issues arising due to slow connection.

The input lag or delay can be reduced using this feature for a better gameplay experience. 

We hope you liked the article. 

Keep Clashing!

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