How to Fix PS4 Controller Yellow Light

Playstation usage has become a prominent trend in recent times. If you own a PS4, chances are you also possess a PS4 controller.

One issue that might disrupt your gaming experience is the appearance of a yellow light on the PS4 controller.

When this occurs, especially during an extended gaming session, the presence of the yellow light can be particularly bothersome.

In this discussion, we will delve into the reasons behind the yellow light’s appearance on the PS4 controller and explore effective troubleshooting methods to resolve it.

PS4 Controller Yellow Light Common Causes 

The most common reasons for the yellow light PS4 controller are

Low Battery

If the controller won’t be able to connect properly due to low battery charge, it will show the yellow light.

Damage USB Connector

If you connect the USB cable improperly, your PS4 controller will show yellow light. Sometimes your PC may get disconnected due to some faulty USB connection.

Charging Cable Damage

During charging of your PS4 controller, if it shows yellow light, it will be due to some damage to the charging cable.

Faulty Hardware

Over time use of the PS4 controller may cause overheating. This will affect the internal components and show yellow light as a signal.

Whatever the  causes for the yellow light of death in your PS4 controller, better to identify that as early as possible. Then you can solve it much easier if that didnt get more complicated.

How to Fix PS4 Controller Yellow Light

Here we will discuss how to fix  yellow light. There are many solutions to fix the problem. Any of those solutions will fix the problem if you find the reason correctly. 

The PS4 controller shows Yellow light during playing.Put the controller perfectly. charging
Controller shows yellow light during plug in but not charging properly.Now the problem may be due to defective charging port, or USB cable may damaged or need to replace the battery
Orange light appears on PS4 controllerThis indicates that the controller is charging, you should wait until it gets full charge. To indicate full charge,the light will turn off.
To get the yellow light turn offPut the controller for charging until the light turns off.

Recharge Controller

Use your USB cable and connect your controller to the console for charging. Keep it for a quite long time and see if it is charged until the required ,yellow light disappears .

Reset PS4 Controller

Resetting the PS4 controller  is one of the best solutions you can fix the problem. Here is how to reset it. There are two reset methods.

Soft Reset of PS4 Controller

This simply means to turn off the computer or device and turn it on again. Now it flushes out all the memories and it can solve many problems.

Another method is to reset the connection between the console and the controller, if you have another one working controller.

Then try the following steps.

  1. Now use the second controller to login and from the PS4’s top menu select the option settings labelled like a suitcase. 
  2. From the dropdown box, click on the device. 
  3. Then select  Bluetooth devices.
  4. You can see your controller in the list. Because the controller which you are using is the working one and click on the inactive one.

Note: Active one will appear with a green dot and inactive without a green dot.

  1. There is an option button on the right of the touchpad on the controller. After selecting that, you may see a set of options.
  2. Click on the forget device. The malfunctioning of the controller has been forgotten. Need to power down the PS4. With the help of holding the PS4 button on the controller, navigate to the power option and select turn off PS4
  3. Use an USB cable to connect your misbehaving controller with the PS4 
  4. Now switch on the PS4 and wait for boot up. Using the playstation button on the controller, login to the PS4. Go for a check whether the issue is still there.

Hard Reset of PS4 Controller

Here we are going for a hard reset. Be aware that  your device will revert back to the factory default settings, now we can go for a hard reset.

  1. First power down your PS4.
  2. There is a small hole located on the back side of the PS4 controller near the left shoulder button. 
  3. Push the buried button inside the hole with the help of a paper clip. Make sure one end of the paper clip is unfolded for insert easily. 
  4. Need to hold the button down for 5 seconds.
  5. Then use an USB cable to connect the controller with the PS4.
  6. Now switch on the PS4 and wait for boot up. Using the playstation button on the controller, login to the PS4. End up the procedure with a check that the issue is still there.

Remove Obstruction Between Console &  Controller

Obstructions in the port can cause miscommunication between console and controller Oftenly it is seen in usb ports due to dust and dirts. Clean it in a proper way and will make you fix the problem

Holding the PS button on the controller for a few seconds helps to disconnect and turn off the controller, wipe the analog stick with a cotton bud or soft cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol.

Using the same, wipe the base specifically. Keep it to dry completely. Otherwise you can use a toothbrush to clean the dest.

Replace Battery

If the controller does not have enough power it will not work to the required potential.

Damaged or worn out batteries will be the major cause of such problems,replacing the old batteries with new ones can fix the use.

Replacing the battery is the easiest of all other methods .

Try New USB Cables 

To confirm that yellow light is not the cause of charging ,replace the usb cable and connect the controller to PS4.

Once connected, wait for a minimum of 30 minutes and if it’s a charging issue yellow light notification will change to blue.

Clean Charging Port

Effective charging will not be possible when your charging port is clogged by dirt and dust.To fix the issue, clean the port with the help of a toothbrush or a cotton swab.

Beware of not using sharp objects and unsuitable liquid cleansers which will harm the port.

Update PS4 Software

Updating software can make you enjoy additional features and enhance security.

  • Go to settings 
  • Open system software update
  • Check if your system has the latest version of software if not.
  • Kindly click on the update notification and complete the procedure.

Factory Reset PS4 Console 

Factory reset of the console  can clear the bug which makes miscommunication between controllers. Resetting by safe mode will not erase your data but will change your settings to default.

The procedure can take some time ,but you can save money from repairs and new purchases. Follow the below steps for the procedure .

  • Hold the power button and turn off the console. Hold it for three seconds.
  • Keep holding the power button again for seven seconds until a beep sound is heard.
  • Now connect the controller and console by USB cable and press the PS button.
  • Select the option 4:Restore default settings from the list shown on the screen.
  • Console will restart normally once it is finished and check if the controller is working normally.

Note: Faulty controller or USB cable is not responding,kindly try using another one.

What If Issue Still Not Fixed?

When you are done with all possibilities and still cannot be fixed,You need to connect the Contact Support of play station. For this, execute the below steps.

  • Head directly to the PlayStation support webpage.
  • List of articles ,categories and FAQ will be provided.
  • Select the concerned category from the list such as troubleshooting,software update etc and follow instructions to fix your problem.
  • If you can’t find the problem still click on the play station live chat icon on the bottom of the right corner showing on screen and fix the issue.
  • If Live chat cannot solve the problem,then create a play station support ticket by providing your basic information and a support agent will get back to you.

You can also connect  through social media platforms  like facebook,twitter and a support agent will get back to you,but normally it will take a bit longer than usual.


How Do I Fix The Yellow Light Of Death On My Ps4 Controller?

  • Here first you need to reset your controller. You can reset your controller by holding down the power button of the controller for five seconds until it gets shut down. 
  • Now check that any kind of obstructions are present there.
  • Check about the batteries of the controller.
  • Check whether the controller is having the power source.
  • Go for controller reset through safe mode.
  • If an update for the system software is available, go for that.3

Why Is My Ps4 Controller Flashing Orange And Yellow?

A blinking orange and yellow light on PS4 resembles charging of the controller in rest mode. Controller is not in charge while on standby, Take settings >power save settings> set features available in rest mode>supply power to USB ports and choose one option.

Why Is My Ps4 Controller Blinking But Not Turning On?

If this happens, then either your battery is dying or your controller failed to connect to your play station console. Check to reconnect by replacing USB cable, changing ports and resetting the controller .


After the session, now you know why the PS4 controller shows yellow light and how to fix it properly.

There are lots of reasons behind the yellow light. But an important thing is if the PS4 shows the yellow light, it’s a warning symbol that there is something wrong happening with it.

So to avoid a huge loss, better to identify the problem as soon as possible and try to fix it properly.